Background Stuff

Saturday, 9 April 2011


Regimental badge of 71 Signals Yeomanry Regiment
Regular readers of the blog will know that we have a close affiliation with 71 (City of London) Signals Yeomanry Regiment.  Recently the regiment has been re-titled to include a City of London designator.  In discussion with the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Tim Allen, we decided to make the Hall available for a dinner to commemorate this auspicious change of title.

The regiment invited a wide range of supporters including the mayors of the boroughs and deputy lieutenants where the regiment has drill halls as well as those who support the Territorial army on a city wide basis such as Sir David Brewer the Lord Lieutenant of London.  In addition there were a large number of senior military personalities present to mark this event including General Officer Commanding London District, Major General William Cubitt CBE.

It was therefore quite an occasion.  It was also good to see that all ranks of the regiment had been invited to be present.  Many members of the regiment now have considerable operational experience which in turn brings a high level of self-confidence. 

It was one of Lieutenant Colonel Tim Allen's last events with the regiment in command as he handed over a few days later to move on to an assignment at the Joint Force Headquarters at Northwood.  He gave an excellent speech that commemorated the purpose of the evening most fittingly.  I think I can say that for Colonel Tim it was an excellent end to what has been a most successful tour and one where the links between the regiment and the Company have been further reinforced.

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