Background Stuff

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


I was delighted to see that there were three Drapers in the New Year Honours List.

Past Master Sir Peter Bottomley MP who has contributed a huge amount to the Company over the past two decades including being Master in 2002/3.  But of course he is much better known as an effective parliamentarian with a wide range of interests and concerns always promoted with great enthusiasm and humour.

Freeman Sir Adrian Smith who became involved with the Company when he was Principal of Queen Mary College where he had a most successful ten year tenure.  Since leaving Queen Mary in 2008 he has been a Director General for Science and Research at the Department of Innovation, University and Skills, now the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.  Recent departmental reorganisations mean that his job is getting bigger.

Freeman Barry Laden MBE, appointed for services to the fashion industry.  He is best known for his creation of The Laden Showroom.  Based in London's Brick Lane it is the UK's largest independent showroom and retail space used for the promotion of small independent fashion designers.  This award is particularly noteworthy as I am certain this is first time that a Draper connected with the the clothing industry has been mentioned in an honours list in recent times.


  1. It's very good to have a note of the Draper recipients of the New Year's Honours. Thanks, Master. It hasn't taken you long to get back into the saddle after your holiday!

  2. Happy New Year, Herry. Good to hear from you.
