Background Stuff

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


General Sir Richard Dannatt, who was installed as Constable of HM Tower of London last year, held a dinner in the New Armouries of the Tower of London on Monday night.

An interesting cross section of guests were invited.  There was a strong contingent of military from London District, the various managers of the Tower, led by the Governor, Major General Keith Cima, and the organisations within its walls, the City of London, including the livery companies, and the Ministry of Defence. 

There was a time, of course when the brooding mass of the White Tower and the rest of the fortress as it was built up over the centuries after the Norman Conquest looked down over the City.  Relations between monarch and London have changed a lot since then and not only is the Tower one of the biggest tourist attractions in London but it also plays a full part in City life.

At the end of dinner we watched the Ceremony of the Keys, where the Tower is ceremonially made secure for the night by the military guard and the Yeomen Warders.  Then it was off into the night having experienced a most enjoyable evening.

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