Background Stuff

Friday, 10 September 2010


Drapers' Academy really got started on 7 September with a day of celebration before the term got underway on Wednesday. The afternoon saw a party for the children and families betwen midday and 3pm. Over three hundred people came. I am having difficulties in the remote part of Wiltshire getting images squeezed through the internet so a full description will have to wait until this is sorted out.

The party well under way

Colonel Mike Bryant, Deputy Lieutenant
London Borough of Havering and Colonel North East London Army Cadet Force with prefects
At 6.30pm there was another party to invite all those who had helped the Academy come into being. This not only included many of the staff but also local representatives and, of course, contingents from the Drapers' Company and Queen Mary. It was also great to see the newly appointed head girl and boy and the prefects with their families. The new uniforms looked great and seem to have gone down well.

Jane, Lady Dalton, Past Master Sir Geoffrey
Dalton and Nadia, Lady Jackson
Susan Jackson who has been with us
for the last two years mentoring and managing the Drapers' Academy programme. We are very grateful for all she has done for us.
Short speeches of welcome were made by myself, in the joint capacity of Master Draper and Chair of Governors, Professor Morag Shiach, Vice Chair of Governors from Queen Mary, and finally Councillor Michael White, Leader of Council. Matthew Slater the Principal gave a spirited introduction. It concluded with my giving a presentation from the Company to buy a clavicord and this was followed by the ceremonial cutting of a huge Drapers' Academy     cake and a toast to the success of the Academy.

Cllr Michael White, Leader
Havering Council and

After a huge amount of preparation by Sue Monk, Vice Principal (Inclusion and Learning) and many helpers the whole day went off exceptionally well. The levels of interest, support and enthusiasm towards the Academy are highly gratifying and we now have high expectations to live up to.

Matthew Slater and a member of staff with very young recruit
A small disappointment was that the prefects had to hand in their badges of office at the end of the party to be re-awarded at assembly the next day.

Cllr Keth Wells, Gooshays Ward, Past Master and Academy Governor James Devereux and Liveryman Dr Colette Bowe, past Chair of Queen Mary Council. 

Prefects and cake

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